While you probably know the basic necessities for having an enjoyable flight (ear buds, a blanket, chewing gym, etc.), there are still some items that might make your time inflight even better.
1. Queasy Pops Helps those who get nauseous in an airplane.
Ever get nauseous on a plane? These super delicious lollipops will ease any nausea that you might experience in-flight. Bonus: They help battle ear popping too!
2. Colgate Wisps Disposable toothbrushes that require zero water.
Taking the red-eye? Rather than freshening up your morning breath in the airport (or worse, on board the airplane), use this disposable toothbrush to put a smile on your face. Best part? No water required.
3. Power case Many planes now have outlets on them, but for the ones that still don’t, having a phone case that moonlights as a battery pack will help keep you juiced up. Need your phone to stay juiced up so that you can play as many games as humanly possible all flight long?
4. Socks and Sleep Mask Nothing like kicking your shoes off during a long fight. Sock are great for when you get up to stretch your legs. Sleep mask give you that nighttime feeling while getting some zzzz during your flight.
5. Zip & Flip Headrest For those that don’t want to walk around with headrests, these kind look like an unsuspecting stuffed animal. Not so fond of walking around with that un-cute neck pillow? Kikkerland has it covered with their adorable stuffed bear that turns into a super comfy headrest in seconds. Bonus: Not a bear fan? Don’t worry, they have other friendly animals.
